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2 Weeks Post Mohs Surgery

May 26, 2021 3:40pm  Finally, the phone call that I'd been waiting on. It was the Medical Center. ( Finally, we can schedule my surgery. ) She tells me who she is, and then tells me that she has a cancellation for tomorrow. ( Me stammering... )  "Ok, but I was thinking the end of June."   Then I hear "We just had a moment to look at your file. We really don't think that you should wait. We really think you should come in tomorrow at 8:15am" ( Me stammering again ) "Ok, I'll be there."  Wait, what? My mind is all over the place. I'm supposed to work. How am I going to get our son to school? Will my husband be able to go with me on such short notice. I expected this to be the end of June, not tomorrow. I'm not prepared! I was overcome with emotion.  May 26, 2021 Surgery Day I woke up at 1am with a horrible headache. By the time we arrived at the surgery center, I was definitely a bundle of nerves. I got checked in, went through the usual ...

Feel All the Feels Then Deal

Not what I expected when the phone rang. It was a routine dermatology appointment.  "Do you have any concerns?" ā€œYes, a small spot on my face. It comes and goes. Two weeks ago it had disappeared (again). So I'm actually glad that itā€™s back.ā€  It was the size of a pin head. It was teeny tiny. A nuisance, but not something that really seemed to bother me. ā€œI suspect that itā€™s skin cancer.ā€  ā€œSo, we just burn if off, right?ā€ ā€œNo, it needs to be cut out and sent to the lab.ā€ I was not prepared for this. Itā€™s on my lip! Sheā€™s going to cut a hole in my lip! She warns me that the shot is going to hurt and possibly a lot. She tells me this several times. (Iā€™m thinking surely it canā€™t be that bad.)  I was wrong.  It hurt.  A lot.  Iā€™m creeped out at the thoughts of her taking a chunk off of my face at the top of my lip. Iā€™m even more creeped out as she tells me sheā€™s going to burn it to stop the bleeding. Time and time again I hear the sizzle and the smell is n...

It's Been a Hot Minute

It's been a hot minute since I've written anything.... over a year. Between being a mom, full time student, and a substitute teacher during a pandemic, writing hasn't been a priority. More than once,  I've felt like I was in survival mode with classes. I didn't expect early block  to be so intense.  I admit that I broke down and cried several times this semester with feeling overwhelmed. But, I endured until the end, and I got straight A's for the semester. I'm proud of myself that I didn't give up. I am enrolled in 2 summer class, and 4 fall classes and studying for standardized tests that I must pass before I can begin my student internship.  I will be close to 50 when I graduate. Am I too old to do this? Who starts a career at 50????? I guess I do. I don't know what's going to happen when I graduate. I do know that I am enjoying the course work, and I'm enjoying being able to put what I have learned into practice as a substitute.  This sch...

Where to Begin - 47 Year Old College Student

I suppose I should start at the beginning.... I graduated High School in 1991. I didn't have the funds to pay for college, and I really didn't know what I wanted to do anyway. I considered Elementary Education, but the course catalog scared me. I remember seeing chemistry and thinking no way. So instead, I decided to go to the local community college. I earned an Associates of Applied Science in Computer Programming. Fast forward to 2004 when I started working for Mississippi State University... Since they paid for part of my tuition, I signed up for classes. Little by little I worked my way toward a bachelor's degree. I graduated from Mississippi State University with a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies (with a concentration in Business, Communication, and Geosciences). Fast forward to fall of 2018 when I decided to step out of my comfort zone and become a substitute teacher . I found a passion that I didn't know existed. I also found that being ...

My Life As A Sub

For someone who craves consistency, and is definitely a planner , life as a sub has really been a change. Day to day I really don't know where I will be or what I will be doing once I get there. Recently I walked into a classroom full of shop/woodworking equipment.

Above All Else Be Kind

Itā€™s something that Iā€™m constantly saying as a reminder to myself and a reminder to my son. Itā€™s something we all could use a little more of... KINDNESS. Heā€™s only 8, but he knows what itā€™s like to receive and give kindness. He also knows what itā€™s like to be teased and picked on.

Have You Tried Ellie Claire Art Journals?

Full Disclosure: I received products free of charge for the purpose of providing a review. My opinions are completely my own based on my experience.  This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a commission if you make a purchase using the affiliate link.  Iā€™ve always enjoyed journaling. Youā€™d think Iā€™d have decent handwriting, but itā€™s quite the opposite. And although I do enjoy blogging, I also enjoy putting pen to paper. In addition to journaling, I enjoy coloring. So I was super excited when I found the best of both worlds. Drum roll please...  journaling and coloring in one beautiful book - better known as an art journal. Well, to clarify, letā€™s make that 3 beautiful art journals. But, I donā€™t want to get ahead of myself.